Eating with Chopsticks

A Chronicle of my journey through China
CET-Harbin Chinese Language Program
Richard U. Light Fellowship at Yale University


First Entry: Light Fellowship Reporting

I will be traveling for NYC tomorrow. Meeting up with friends for a day in the city Saturday before leaving for China on Monday. To give you a quick summary, I am doing an east coast tour of China before my program begins. I am traveling through Beijing, Tianjing, Suzhou, Hanzhou, a few other random cities, and then to Shanghai for the Shanghai 2010 Expo. After spending 3 days at the Expo, I am traveling to my 老家 (hometown of my family) in Fuzhou, Fujian for a week. Then I will return to Beijing to meet up with the CET-Harbin group on June 16th to begin my language program. It'll be a busy few weeks, but I'll try to keep you updated as much as possible.

For anyone that might be reading this blog because they are interested in CET-Harbin or traveling to China on Light or traveling to China in general. I have been packing, and here's some helpful tips on what to pack for a trip through China. I was just in China over Spring Break too.

-Do NOT overpack on clothing. For most people, Chinese clothing will fit you rather well. Most stores in China sell pants at a long length, and you get it custom-tailored to fit your height. Clothes are also incredibly cheap and come in many styles. Personally, I usually bring around 5-6 outfits to China, and buy everything else there. Because I am going on a tour this time, I am packing a bit more.
-Pack personal toiletries--especially if you use certain brands. China does sell most US brands for toiletries such as Head & Shoulders, Olay, Vaseline, Pantene ProV, etc. However, you will notice that companies often change the formula when they sell the same product in a different country. Olay in China usually sells skin-whitening care. Pack your own toiletries if you are picky about them.
-Hand Sanitizer. If you are into street food, which I love, carry hand sanitizer around. I haven't seen it sold in those nifty travel size bottles yet in Chinese grocery stores, so it's helpful to bring your own. Also, many people in China can adulterate or dilute products to sell. I remember a street vendor selling Vaseline once, but the petroleum jelly was milky and creamy.
-Camera and laptop. Chinese electronics are super fancy and high-tech most of the time. But if your camera and laptop have international AC adapters, bring them. I've noticed Chinese cameras and laptops can't compete with the American brands--even if many of the American ones are made in China!
-Athletic shoes. If you are a runner, bring your own running shoes. Chinese shoes, like their clothing, come in many different styles. I highly recommend buying Chinese shoes for their variety (stores are limited in sizes they carry though). However, the quality of many shoes I have bought aren't the best. Bows and rhinestones will fall off, heels need to be secured sometimes by a shoe repair-man, etc. But they cost anywhere from $3-30 a pair. It's super cheap. But once again, for athletes, bring your own. Athletic shoes in China rarely have the insoles needed for a runner.
-Gifts for your hosts and friends in China. Always remember to be courteous! It's getting harder these days to buy gifts because anything you can get in the US, they can usually get in China. But my relatives really enjoy name-brand perfumes and colognes (which does get expensive). I also have a habit of giving away Yale gear to people.


Great first post. Have a great time!


Don't forget to pack plenty of yummy snacks for the flight!


Thanks for the advice, I will pack them pumas lOL


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